In the name of Allah and peace be upon Mohammed - the messenger of Allah- Welcome everybody on English planet 31, where we can learn English together. Here, you can find different activities related to the English curriculum of Sultanate of Oman for different grades starting from grade five and up. Hopefully, this blog will help educators, parents and students as well. Welcome again and enjoy^_^

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Feelings Teddy Bear

for grade 6

First semester

In the name of Allah and peace be upon Mohammed (the messanger of Allah).

Here are a teady bear game to teach students feelings.
 As a teacher or a parent, you should print all the 4 pages of the pictures and 2 pages of the words. After that, cut the teddy bear from the two lines on its tummy and insert the words slider.
 Students will have fun trying to show the correct feeling word in the teddy bear's tummy.
Enjoy learning and playing.
happy and sad

angry and scared

excited and tired

surprised and bored

words slides

Finally, they will look like this

Wish you all the best ^_^
T.Ameena Ba.Omar

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